Monday, September 26, 2005

toilet break

nothing to do manz... here i am.. blogs again....

went to the city for lunch with denise today.. it was good.. although the weather was a bit wet... but it din dampen our mOod...

just hope that the weather will be fine in 2 hrs times for us to play tennis... hehe...

the bus ride back home was long and i had alot of thoughts.. hate those that say things to hurt my loved ones... i jus have to prove the aunties wrong.. the particular one...and jus have to stuff somethings into her mouth to stop her from talking and talking and talking....and talking... cant anyone tell her to think before she speaks.... but i also understand one thing ... what goes around will come around to haunt you back definetely... *_*

one more thought : "cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck"***** terrible!! haha

"*everything happens for a reason, WE made it happen"*


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