had a great sunday manz.. but a bad friday nightz..
aniwae.. yeahz went to fish market and had a great deal... nice fOOd.. and the waitress kinda of mixed up and we got a better deal.... woOhOO... Oysters MorNay!! *winkz..oopz*
had a nice stroll along darling harbour and it was refreshing.... is been long since i last went to the city with a relax mind.. after so so many assignments...
time to reflect on myself... im way too selfish... always think for myself before anibody.. and i mean anibody.. family,girlfriend,friends... hehe... time to change.... hope i can change....
talking abt family.. is kinda of funny.. why some of my friends does not like their parents to visit them.... one of my friends.. is so happy that her mum is going back so that she can get her freedom back.. another one is not delighted his parents are here because he got a lot of catching up to do on work.. is kinda of funNy... yahz... are friends more important..? whos the one that is providing you the money and support to study overseas....
thanks to mum and dad for supporting my decision to stay here and the amount of money involved.... and thanks to everyone above for blessing me.... i should cherish what i have, treasure what i have and not always think that others are better...i do like my grass here..
time to start my holidays timetable.. work, assignment......and mid sem quiz.. gOOD lucK dude!
*(Everything happens for a reason, WE make it happen)*
that last line seems familiar to me... *winkz* Hee!!
Anw, we did have a very rough weekend. a good one, as well as a rough one. Here & There.
It's good you're not feeling the grass is greener theory applicable, you'll be more appreciativ with things around you.
regarding the changing, you did "amazed" me. u know what i mean. Do be true to yourself, a change can only BE a change, when you truly want to change.
Love ya..
(more self-discipline too)
Love ya still~
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