Sunday, August 28, 2005

goOd Morning!

is 0430 am now.. hehe been having irregular sleep for the past week.. woke up at 1 am to do assignment.. hehe.. gona sleep soOn... after my supper.. oOpz

was treated to a star-like status last thursday.. went for a free professional photo shoot because denise won in a lucky draw....
it was at some ulu place.. hehe.. some quiet suburb.. i was quite "worried" and wanted to inform my friend where i was in case i was forced to do some RA movies... hehe...*winkz was great surprise when we went in... is another different world.. all we needed was some smoke and birds flying behind us to create the feeling of a dream.. it was so damn coOL..
photographers..make up and hair stylist.. everyone was so stylO... to speak the truth.. i feel like a kid.. but it was free.. so who cares...
by the time we woke up from this dream since stepping into the door... someone was offering to help us take our clothes for the foto shoot.. then came the consultant.. who asks us what type of foto we preferred, blah blah blahz..
next was the make up.. hehe for the 1st time.. my face was flawless.. hehe look like mannequin.. but i was of cos.. a bit stunned.. and yeahz.. denise look good as well.. after taking an hr.. while my session was like only 10 minutes.. but sitting down there.. and observing their coordination was so amazing..almost everything is done according to schedule...

after 2 hrs.. we finally step into the studio for our shOOt.. so damn cool again.. it was really an experience...all the different backdrops.. different "models".. photographers running around..i feel like im in mediacorp.. hehe...aniwae.. took some stunning photos.. and had a bit of fun.. actually.. had a lot of fun!!! hehe.. would do it again.. IF... it was free.. the price tag attach to it was way too steep.....

it was tired after the shoot yahz... now i understand why isit a chore for the stars to sign autographs with the fans stuffs.. but they get paid.. thats the difference..
but it was real tired.. after dinner.. we came home... not to waste the make uP.. we took pictures for ourselves..(updated) hehhe.... and we end up snorring till the next morning............

What a day.. what a experience...


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