Heylo heylo... long time since I last blogged... damn busy nowadays.. sleeping.. yeahz.. alot of assignments due next week... a lot of things have happened.. more of interesting stuffs... get to know more ppl now and kinda moving around, finding activities.. cos Sydney is way to boring and an expensive city to live in.. so i must constantly keep a lookout on lobangs... jus like the new shirt Denise bought for me.. woOhOO.. coOL rightz..it was on sale.. and thanks to my gf.. it was a gift from her... thank you!!!!
and i have change my fengshui of my room again.. cos the previous one was inaccessible.. hehe.. no more travel agency... now.. more like traditional office.. heheplayed tennis with denise jus now.. fun.. both of us are improving.. cOOL yeahz? and picking more balls.. hehe... oopz... aniwae.. presentation on tuesday.. hope i wont screw it up as usual...
*pray for me ... thanks!!!
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