Thursday, September 22, 2005


last 2 days before mid session break
but loads of things to settle... 1st.. friday.. structure assignment
then during the holidays.. water assignment, construction assignment, management assignment, civil practice.. most important.. geotech mid sem quiz 30%!

been telling myself at the start of the sem to work hard.. but i din.. lazy lazy lazy.. slept more than usual...

aniwae.. everything is quite settle over here... denise is getting used to her joB.. im getting used to sleeping late.. days seems to pass so quickly now...

thought of the day : are marks that important.. why some ppl jus don share... they can reject u right straight into ur face " im not telling you!".... makes me wonder.... how do they actually do it....

for those who think that where they are now is worse than where they should be.. "the grass is not always greener on the other side"

i always hear my classmates saying UNSW sucks... lecturers sucks..bahz blahz.. i wonder what makes them come to this place in the 1st place...they are jus being happy of where i am .. and im proud to be a UNSW student.. a SP student.. part of St Andrews...those were the days...

sometimes i jus don understand what some people are thinking... and should I comment on their thinking or jus keep quiet and let it be.... guess this is part of life..

to all up there.. thanks for your blessing that you had given us...


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