Sunday, August 26, 2007


just an update on the things that had been happening these weeks...

1) bought Justin Timberlake's concert tickets... yeah!
2) had a bad Friday.. which affected the weekend.
3)Denise is putting on her braces tomorrow, she has been enduring the pain quite well, you go girl!
4) shes starting work on Tuesday. and pay day is just a week away.
5) APEC is in Sydney on the for the 1st week of September, all leaders including Bush will be here. Public Holiday declared for 7th September Friday. hopefully, no security issues when they are all here *prays*
6) as people says, the mouth that each and everyone of us have, is a weapon, it can harm or bring a person up mentally. especially when the mouth belongs to your boss and everyone is trying to chip in to suck up to her/him.
7)Max is doing well, annual servicing due next month, gotta get insurance and stuffs.
8) trying to learn things everyday. not slacking my day away at work.
9) stop surfing during office hours. I did that quite well for last week
10) looking for reviews for Wii.. any comments?
11) been watching DVDs, if u guys are in the documentary mood, go for "March of the Penguins" and AL GORE's "an inconvenient truth"

thats all folks. until next time.
oh wait.. yahoo is officially closing its photo album service, so I have been moved to Flickr.
technology nowadays, unbelievable.

*everything happens for a reason, i really hope, it happened for a reason"


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