Monday, June 18, 2007


ever wonder why are we working so hard? is it because of the money? which can make one's life better? or is it just to keep oneself busy from day to day?

at the end of the day, we still need the support of our family and friends to make our day, our lifes better. w/o the support, i think is gonna be hard. the society is harsh, is a blessing everyday when you reached home, someone you trust is there for you.

however, we often take this for granted, start blowing at the ones you love because they said something or did something. when things had cooled down. do you regret what have you just done? worse, you might have hurt them with the things you said/done.

im surprised by some of the stuffs that I remembered from young. some might say i bear grudges with what him/her did to me. but somehow or rather, i do remember these events.
e.g 15 years ago, @ moulmein primary school, being the "cheeky" boy I am, went to spill 2 bbq chicken wings from my brother's friend's lunch box. brother was there, friend scolded me, brother did not say anything, i don blame him for what happened, for me, i wont do anything as well if i was him. but now as i gradually know what life is about, i guess, the support that someone you trust give you is really important. this support will give you the confidence you need down the road.

my brother, sister, parents, denise have since given me all their support, regardless of work, studies, to even small things like cooking, sometimes their comment may not sound the way you want it to be, but im sure they want the best for me, asking me to do things that i wouldnt like or i don feel like. yes! i may not like it, but no one is 100% right in decisions making. is the response that you give, think about a minute, breathe in, before giving an hurtful answer or raise your voice, this minute can really change some things, it may open the room for discussion, and more things can be achieved.

sadly, we as human are not able to do this all the time, me especially, being the "selfish" guy that I am, I hope what ive done/say would not hurt anyone i love.. the ones i trust

cheers mate

*everything happens for reason, WE made it happened*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

12 November 2008 at 3:17 pm  

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