Wednesday, August 01, 2007


is been long since I last updated. loads of stuffs happening.
yeah, ive got a car, or rather 2 cars... maybe some time down the road, i would introduce MAX, my mitsubishi mirage. meanwhile, i still haven quite got over what had happened.

watch transformers last week.. wooHoo.. optimus prime, megatron.. went to borrow the cartoon movie from video ezy, loads of memories. looking forward to transformers II. they did a good job, really appreciate shows produce by Michael Bay and Jerry Bruckheimer.
btw, does anyone know whats the show, where Nicholas Cage needs to escape from an island prison and have to break the alarm system by slicing his own thumb skin to de-activate the system? trying my best to borrow the show for Denise. but i just cant find it! maybe is not Nicholas Cage.

work is getting all right. getting use to it. but competition is high. new collegues being recruited. i guess i wont feel the pressure until work is taken away from me. shall not complain that theres too much work from now on. and i need to do more training on my own. to build up my indispensable status.. still building.. =)

had a bad july, hope august would be fantastic.

everything happens for a reason, WE made it happened*


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