Thursday, January 19, 2006

yet another day

rip off my last blog.. for those who had read it... im sorry if it has cause any offence.. as denise said.. i should keep a diary.. rather than a blog.. quite true..

anyway.. congrats to my gf!! for getting the package that she wanted.. all the way!! im sure u can improve urself as u gain more experience......

been not knowing what to do these few days.. guess im giving up on the work.. cos im going back soon.. a couple of things im worrying.. my thesis, and im gonna graduate soon if everything goes well..working life....hiyahz.. as i say.. the old clement is back.. avoiding stuffs and not facing up to challenge.. guess the harsh environment will make me stronger...

once again.. hope everybody up there is blessing me...

chinese new year approaching soon.. trying to clear as much stuffs from my house.. is another year.. time jus flies.. im going back soon........

until the next time im bored........

*everything happens for a reason, WE made it hapPEned*


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