Friday, January 13, 2006

FINALLY.. a job.. a half day job

everyones was late for todaes outing..
thats normal as we are not early birds.. plus the fact it was raining (again) for more than 10 hrs through the night and ended at around 7pm... nice weather to sleep in.. ZzzzZz...

by the way.. the outing was cancelled.. because!
i got a jOB!!.. hehe.. a half day job at home big french(i reckon) company, Natexis Banques Populaires... *raise eyebrows*

hhaa.. it was a office boy job!!... sorting out mails and sending out mails.. loads of them.. to thailand, vietnam, malaysia, UK, france & New Caledonia (never really heard of it before)

at the end of the day.. 5 and the half hrs of work.. din earn much though.. jus for the experience
p/s half an hour were used for admiring the view from the 41st storey of the building.. coolz!

glad that i went for it.. no regrets!!

**everything happens for a reason, WE made it HAppened**


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