Thursday, January 12, 2006

happy 4th year!!

happy 4th year denise!!

yeahz.. todae marks the 48th month together with denise..

everything is goOd.. still good.. and still happening for some kinda of reason which we are still searching.. hmmmm...

aniwae.. more to go..

had a nice day today.. went bowling with josh and desmond.. and surprisingly! all of us did very very well.. 130 average for me.. hehe WOAH!!

rain & rain... wat a winter season for singapore... and the rain pattern is quite irritating as well..
hopefully sunday. it wont rain... hopefully.. not having high hopes on that one...

shoPping tomorrow!!
hope no ones late for the early meeting for breakfast...
not having high hopes on that one too.... *eyes rolls*

23*everything happens for a reason,2312,WE made it haPpened*12


Blogger Quirkz said...

Happy Anniversary on our 4th year together~

Love ya...

12 January 2006 at 9:05 pm  

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