there she goes again, into the toilet and occupying for more than 45 minutes. *shakes head*
i really don't know what to say. Lucky i'm moving tomorrow, if not, i really do not know what will happened. the kitchen is mess up again after 2 days. Denise really scrubbed it clean and it takes one person, 2 days, gone. arghz!!!!!
anyway, this is my 260th blog. been reading my past blogs, either I have been to grumpy or complainy or I'm just me. good to start a blog, i know where i had improved and how my life has went and also, not forgetting all the memories.
will be w/o net for the next few days.
until then.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
maybe i'm slow... but I had just switch to a new account with Google...
was quite stubborn about changing until they "force" me to....
google is taking over quite a number of stuff isnt it? youtube.. blog.. whats next.? friendster?
anyway, been packing my house ready to move in on the 1st of Feb at Lachlan Street, Waterloo!!!..... looks like there's a lot of stuffs.. wonder how we gonna squeeze everything in... hmmm.... 1st thing 1st.. waiting to sign the contract.. hope they call today.. *prays*...
denise has started on her blog again.. chk it out friends if u have the previous address...
just a note... the new tenant of my current apartment has moved in... and shes a TQM... Toilet Queen Mother...haiz...
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
what did you know abt the company
what did you do at Hyundai? ***
what was your role?
what are ur career plans for the next 5 years?***
what field are you interested in?
what did u learn in ur majors. programs used and assignments?
what salary package are you expecting?
where do u find motivation in routine jobs?
what if you met with a troublesome client?
what role do u hold in a group?
what if you had a troublesome group member? what would you do?
who is your ideal manager?
describe your personality?
What is negative about urself?
that was not even half of the questions i got from an interview with Maunsell. the company that gave me the Transport Prize. a whole 1.5 hours of conversation with Michael and Anna. Good Experience. i assume i had answered most of the questions that can be asked in an interview.
Outcome: My interests does not match with the position they are offering me. Im looking more of a transport planning... but the position they are offering is as a Maritime Engineering. even they do have port planning, they are looking for a candidate more interested in structural and design engineering.. which is a big NO NO for me since poly started...
anyway, i would have another interview before making this decision.
everything happens for a reason, WE made it happen
Friday, January 12, 2007
how time flies, was packing my stuffs which had given me loads of memories..
2 years ago.. this time, i was packing my luggage ready to come to sydney...
almost 2 years ago, i nearly went back because NUS and NTU accepted me while im here...
thinking back then, causing so much problems in sydney and my family back home, so much distress and happiness...
time really flies.. 2 years later, i am here typing, got my 1st class honours in UNSW, hopefully, i had done my parents proud, and they din regret sending me here...regardless, i need to thank them for their sacrifice.
Life moves on from here, as you guys should know by now, I'm moving to a new apartment, hopefully get a job, and take in some invaluable working experience in Australia..
all right, enough of reminiscing
btw, today mark the day that me and denise had been together for 5 years.. i must say, we had come a long way... good on us and we will try to mark another milestone....
need to practice writing composition for my IELTS test
Thursday, January 11, 2007
time passes by so quickly, is almost 1pm now...
even though i have nothing on for the day or the week, it seems to pass so quickly....
making loads of phonecalls, "hello how are you", to immigration, property agents and various was a good training experience i must say.
and also waiting for phonecalls to confirm my various applications, the most important being my hopeful new found apartment. and also of course interviews calls. got one yesterday, going for the interview at Maunsell which gave me the transport dinner prize.(finally, better late than never).
put up moving sale of furniture, guess we don't know the market price, way below it.. guess is too cheap, a lot of enquiries after i put up the advertisement for half an hour. and this process will make me improve in another aspect of my life..... yeah.. hopefully....
thursday, friday.. saturday will be my IELTS test... yeah... all the best to me...
take care everyone, hope to see you soon, miss you guys...
Friday, January 05, 2007
still here
hopefully, u guys had a great start to your new year. i know my sis has.. =)
im doing fine, just a bit "bored" of what im going through now. and sometimes a bit frustrating...
however, i know we will be able to get through it cos we have done it before and we will definetely get through it..
just waiting for my federal police check before i submit my application.. then i would be able to get my Bridging Visa A to worK....
miss my family and friends. most of them went back for the chinese new year. I think i would be spending mine here in sydney.. which means there are no holidays.. =)
cooked up a meal. hopefully, invite some friends for a small gathering.. if there are friends for me to invite here in sydney.
nothing much, saturday would be busy, viewing as many apartments as we can. hopefully we can get one we like...
take care guys.. and wish me luck..
PS: if anyone got the slightest idea whats the creature below.. please please.. drop me a message, denise and I are very eager to know what is it? it can be found along the beaches in Gold Coast..
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy 2007
happy 2007!.. yes a bit late...
anyway.. still looking for houses... had a long holiday.. is DVDs, DVDs and more DVDs...
nothing much.. have to send in my PR application soon...
made a few new year resolutions with denise.. hope we will beat the trend this year..
that is to fulfil those resolutions..
good luck to everyone and stay healthy... which is the most important...
take good care.. and seeya soon...