Internet Courtesy
Just wanna have an entry with regards to internet courtesy.
MSN, email have been a bonus for me, enabling me to communicate with others back home, finding out what is going on with my family and friends.
However, often there are conflicts and misunderstandings because there are no body languages behind that window that we are typing our conversations.
personally, I reckon is always courteous to start an email with "hi" and sign off at the end rather than just "answering" the question straight to the point. It seems rude to me.
I realised i have to be careful conversing in MSN as well, we just can't assume everything, especially passing a message. People changed when you don't see them physically after so many years and I may say ( or should I say "type") something that the other party at the other side of the world doesn't like. I don't blame some internet users for being fake sometimes cos humans are just unpredictable.
just on the other note, never never take the other party for granted (applies to me as well). Family and Friends are there to help you, make suggestions but not decisions for you. Ultimately, you need to know what you want and what you need.
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