Wednesday, January 17, 2007

what did you know abt the company
what did you do at Hyundai? ***
what was your role?
what are ur career plans for the next 5 years?***
what field are you interested in?
what did u learn in ur majors. programs used and assignments?
what salary package are you expecting?

where do u find motivation in routine jobs?
what if you met with a troublesome client?
what role do u hold in a group?
what if you had a troublesome group member? what would you do?
who is your ideal manager?
describe your personality?
What is negative about urself?

that was not even half of the questions i got from an interview with Maunsell. the company that gave me the Transport Prize. a whole 1.5 hours of conversation with Michael and Anna. Good Experience. i assume i had answered most of the questions that can be asked in an interview.

Outcome: My interests does not match with the position they are offering me. Im looking more of a transport planning... but the position they are offering is as a Maritime Engineering. even they do have port planning, they are looking for a candidate more interested in structural and design engineering.. which is a big NO NO for me since poly started...

anyway, i would have another interview before making this decision.


everything happens for a reason, WE made it happen


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