Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Back home!!

finally.. the day has arrived..
will be leaving for my flight in 2 hrs time... see u guys back home in singapore...

time has really zoom pass me for 2005.. everything jus appears too fast... while packing my stuffs.. i thought of what happened this time last year.. seems not long ago.. buying all the stuffs.. getting my visa done.. attending maths class @ IDP..... now here i am... after 2 semesters.. assignments, exams!! and nail biting results days....

jus cant describe how fast this year has been for me......

i must say that this experience has been really good.. especially with denise around.. WE do make things happen.. of cos.. without family support... i wouldnt be here as well.. thanks to all for making 05 a very fruitful one for me.....

denise: take good care when im not around.... eat well.. exercise well.. and have fun @ work... will definetely miss you.... winkz** see u back home in sg in 06.. muackz!!!

until the next entry in SINGAPORE


*everything happens for a reasoN.. WE maDe it HapPEn*


Blogger Quirkz said...

I'll be good... Dont you worry... Have fun in Singapore.. You deserved a nice break...

Thanks for 2005 too.. without you things would have been less fun~

Take care.. and hope to Hear/See ya soon... Love ya~!!

21 December 2005 at 2:45 am  

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