what a weekend for me.......
friday: went for a indonesian church service... was an experience.. cos we had to listen to translators because most of the talking was in Bahasa Indonesia.... yupz..
saturday: went to a xmas gathering @ denise's mentors place... cooL.. but.. cant seem to communicate with them... they can really decorate their houses... everything is in red white and green.. once u step into their house, the xmas mood is there,.. thumbs up for their great effort in creating the atmosphere
sunday: went for tennis footy cricket and ending the day with sunburnt... while playing tennis.. yes... thats the weather now ... arghz.. scorching....
monday: OUR day today.. yeahz.. however.. spend unneccesary money on a pizza buffet which did not turn out nice.. had a few pieces and we left the place.. unsatisfied.. back home to our home made sushi... as i said.. anithing home made.. is nice.. especially made by urself or by your loved ones, family and friends...
one more week before i hop on the plane to return home....
^^EveryThing HaPpeNs FoR A reAsoN, WE mAde It HapPened^^
PS: des, wow.. nice fone and camera.. must have spend a lot of money on it...yeahz?????
er more than i could haf afford actually ;p
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