Wednesday, January 26, 2005

i have decided... to let the water flow...if not i will be flooded..
went out and met a new friend todae..
yuPz.. her name is JAN.. yupz... veri friendly and jokable.. hehe..
aniwae shes bringing her slow cooker over.. and i laff at her.. but she say i was crazy that i was bringin pillows over. (cos she doesnt noe.. they are vacuumed).. oopz

aniwae.. din realli conc during maths lessons.. or rather.. din conc at all.. the lecturer was teaching theory of maths.. and was taking examples using circuit diagram.. tts considered normal becos.. hes a lecturer for elec eng in sp... jus simply gave up.. yahz..

dunNo should go clubbing tomolo anot.. this guy pita help me quite a bit.. cos hes my senior.. guess i should help him.. cos hes like begging me.. haha tts wat he said yupz

one more week before i leave for studies... scared abt work.. yet excitied abt overseas life... muackz... im gonna dO it.
and i found my accomodation!!!! is confirmed!



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