Saturday, November 06, 2004

Getting Fat!!

Myself Posted by Hello

all right.. im here eating and eating... after AHM.. no more training.. getting fatter and fatter.. yahz.. shitz..
aniwae.. jus knew how to post foto on my Blog.. quite coOL huh.. hehee...
thanks to my gf for teaching me...

yesterdae wanted to post blog.. but i think it was down.. and i was veri tired.. back veri pain... sorry denise.. yahz.. slept off...
aniwae.. yesterdae normal lahz.. went out watch ladder 49.. it was veri touching.. especially the part when it says something like "lets not mourn him todae.. lets all stand up and celebrate his life" yeahz..

went to play tennis.. still cannot win.. damnz!! gonna train harder tomolo!!
ate korean foOD.. for lunch and dinner.. haha..

time - table..
anione know how to fix my printer.. it alwaes prompt me for the file CMUiNT.DLL
then installation fail.. im using the driver for years liaoz.. hows?

need to buy shirt.. bod shorts.. shoes.. ankle socks..

next notebook.. accomodation... and visa.. blah blahz.. AIR TICKET!!!

gonna start somewhere...

jus finsih watching YOU GOT SERVED.. not a veri nice movie..except for the dance moves.. yahz.. battle of the dance moves...

tts it for this afternOOn..



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