wats Up!
wats up guys.. font larger.. try whther nicer anot..
yeah.. betting jackpot.. 4 out of 4.. thanks to www.goonersguide.com.. try it..(ball is round.. don bet too big)
aniwae.. starting my leave power liaoz..
tomolo i on leave? yes? no? not sure.. duNno.. should be have lahz..
cos i tuesdae duty.. but still gonna go HQ for a while.. yeahz..
girlfriend doing gooD.. im happy for her.. yes.. hope shes not too stress.. exams sure got stress.. but.. i hope the best for her... yahz.. praying for her everynight.. *everybody uP there*.. thanks..
mum's knee is giving way.. see her so chamz.. doNno wat to do.. shes saw the doctor.. yahz.. hope after her sleep.. the pain will go over.. yahz..
todae surprisingly.. went for a run at macritchie. .. yes.. macritchie!! for a 5km run wif sis.. more of walk and jog... cos.. sis *whispers* "she needs training" hehe.. then cant possibly leave her in the forest.. so i only ran. when we hit the roads.. aniwae.. felt fit after the run.. BUT.. after subway.. i felt big again.. damn it.. im getting wider.. i can feel it.. shitz manz..
ran a bit of errands todae..? sometimes complain no things to do.. but too mani things.. veri tiring.. fetch my sis.. went to run.. pick mum from swimming.. went home .. rest a while went to buy dinner.. yahz.. but luckily.. driving.. i love driving.. although i doNno much abt cars.. like wat VVTI engine.. blah blah blah.. but i enjoy driving.. yes...
nearly got accident over these few days... over the weekend.. yahz... din chk blind spot.. and change lane abruptly.. yahz.. thanks everyone up there again.. thankew..
neck pain.. funny lehz.. fridae..left side pain... saturdae.. right side.. then i went to play bowling.. tot.. the pain will worsen.. but sundae.. left side pain.. guess is inflammation.. yahz.. doNno lehz.. wat can be done.. must be the jumping from the tank.. and carrying heavy stuff.. damn it...NS!
talking abt bowling.. wOw.. issac is goOd manz.. but playing wif him i got points tat is near my all time high.. hehe..
actually highest i got is 197.. second is 157.. but yesterdae i got 151. and 148.. veri happy wif it.. and he tot me the technique of spinner.. finally... yahz..but i still think.. if i had develop myself in this sport.. and play hook ball.. i be able to play well in this sport... yahz.,, during sec 4.. doNno isit right or wrong.. tat i din buy bowling ball along wif josh and desmond.. aniwae.. their balls are full wif dust now, i gues.. =)
all right.. sleeping time..
aussie is 3 hrs faster than the time here.. damn... use to be 2 hrs..
take care denise..
drink more water.. veri dry!>..
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