Wednesday, October 06, 2004

jus came back from FISH and Co for dinner... yeahz.. nice.. filling..
actually is veri nice.. hehe.. i like stuffed-cheese fish and chiPs.. Wooo..

took 2 Camrys car in a row.. 1st it was jianwens. then rays.. cos he sending poh leng home..
did a bit of catch up.. hehe.. not too bad.. i was the youngest there!! hehe..
eugene called.. haha.. since his officer days are gone.. is a different him manz... hehee

actually wanted to meet josh for resident evIL but guess wat.. he woke up at 1730.. *phew the time ppl end work,,, aniwae.. thats life... goOD lucK manz and all the best!...

going back to camp tomolo but.. got big big lobanG!! macritchie ruN!! wee yi wee*.. week after week.. taking lobangs whenever they come.. (wonder y no one reply when warrant liaw ask for fun runners *ponders*).....

next week his not around.. hehe whole week.. staff lOO is.. but gotta do OT cos of LRI.. mayb i stay in or wat.. yahz... but.. see got wat lobang to take!! hehe next fridae MA!!

betting update..
bet together wif the crystal palace match.... i played the SLeague Selects vs Planet FC ( cameroon team) damn it.. i play draw.. i will never win.. when the match concerns SLeague.. some kelong LEague.. never play Sleague again.. damn damn damn
but.. hehe won 5 bucks in total.. pathetic right.. cos when i jianwen got bet soccer..? he say 50 bucks.. play for fun.. hehee... *big eyes*... different ppl.. different lifestyles.. different betting styles toO!!



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