Sunday, May 20, 2007


fine, chelsea won, or rather, Man Utd lost the FA cup after a boring match...
yeah it was really a boring match, if not for an man utd fan, everyone would have went to bed.. thanks denise for staying up and sitting by my side on our comfortable sofa bed to watch the only live domestic match on FreeTV every year

anyway, life has kinda stabalise after another month of working, getting the stick sometimes, but enjoyed my work most of the time.. went site visits to do parking occupancy counts, always looking out for new places of the world...

finally, got a case officer for my PR application, means that, i will be getting some residency status soon... after I made several calls to the immigration, another step for me..

loads of "research" to do now.. hopefully, i can be fruitful in that aspect, until then,

cheers and have a good day..

*everything happens for a reason, WE made it Happened!!*