Saturday, March 17, 2007

been at work for the past 3 weeks..
thats the reason for not updating frequently..

yes, got my 1st professional job as a traffic engineer with Cardno Eppell Olsen.
For those who don't know, is about managing traffic conditions, analysing public transport and give advice on whatever that moves on the road including pedestrians....
now you know who is doing all these stuffs... hopefully, you do not take the smooth traffic for granted.. =).. oh my job scope also includes crash assessments...

1st 3 weeks of working life, not too bad..
i like my job scope, that's my interest for now, still have to get use to the working culture in Australia.. the way they communicate, discuss and do things
and of course, networking, going to conferences, Friday drinks and knowing more people..

is a nice experience, luckily, I don' have any bad collegues (except one) or supervisors. but i'm still new.. who knows what will happen in office politics..

weeks seems to zoom past so quickly now, weekends too..
I understand the working life that Denise was having for 15 months.. sorryz =) din know it would be like that, thanks to all your advice and encouragement.. i will get through this period of time.. THANKS!!

until my next post..

**everything happens for a reason, WE made it HAPPENED!!!**