Monday, October 30, 2006


Week 14!! time flies.. last week of my university life (hopefully)...
finish all but one gen ed assignment last week!!.. thankfuLLy.. theres denise whos doing the financial planning assignment for me.. hehee...

yup exams now... the obstructions between me and my graduation are three papers...

before that... 4th year dinner this coming friday!! hehee....

Thursday, October 19, 2006

thats mine.. proud of it. 8 months of work..

thanks to denise, denise and denise for the editting and diagrams ..
and also to my sis, letty for the poster and photos...

thanks everyone who has contributed to it..

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


after almost one year of work...
after help from denise (schematic diagrams, editting, proof reading), letty(poster), family and friends...
after all the meeting with the supervisors..

DONE! my thesis is done! my "book" is done...
collecting later this afternoon.. hopefully.. there are no mistakes *prays*

2 more assignments, 3 more exams.... thats it.. (hopefully).. thats the end!

go go go...

Friday, October 13, 2006


more photos uploaded at my veronshotz yahoo album...

check the new album..

"thesis presentation" & "Canberra 2006"
more to come when josh upload his photos in sydney...

yes.. i gain a bit of weight.. yes yes yes....