Monday, June 19, 2006

2 down 1 to go

jus had my management paper... not that bad... but not that good too...
the marking scheme is a bit dumbo...
2% for right.. -2% for wrong.. no part marks will be given.. is either 2% or 0%.. nothing will be mark outside the answer boxes.. which is 10cm by 1.5cm... and is a management paper!!

aniwae.. i think i be able to get thru this.. even though i have some answers outside the boxes.. jus hope that everything will be fine.. and i will be blessed from everybody up above.. thanks!!

10 days break before my next paper.. WATER engineering.. most of time drown in it... but i have sufficent time to prepare this time.. hope i wont screw it up...

*pray pray*

***everything happens for a reason.. WE made it HaPpEned***

Saturday, June 17, 2006

1 down 2 to go

1st paper down..
mentally drained paper.. calculation, writing and stuffs... 3 whole hours...
din even have time to refer to examples ( it was open book).. luckily.. manage to finish the whole paper

aniwae thanks everyone above for blessing me with a good start to this examination period.. and also of cos to denise.. who has been cooking lunch/dinner/supper/teabreak and patient enough to go thru the materials with me.. thanks thanks thanks

and of cos.. those who prayed for me... hehe

on for the next one.. management..

***everything happens for a reason, WE made it Happened***

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

is that time of the year again

twice a year, exams will make you excited/sad/happy/satisfied/regrets etc..

yup this friday, my 1st paper of the year...
hope i really do well for it...

SBO helmet on again...

everyone up above.. pls give me ur blessings for me to do well this semester.. thank you thank you...

*everything happens for a reason, WE made it happened*

Friday, June 09, 2006

Moment Been Waiting For

All right.. the semester has ended..
next friday is my 1st exam paper.. only got 3 papers this time round.. not that bad.. still i have to do well..

but guess what.. fifa world cup starts this very day!
11pm,2am,5am (Sydney Time) will never be the same again...
hmmm.. i will have to sacrifice most of my day and night for studying.. and then watching soccer... soccer and soccer...

hope the good matches don fall on one or 2 days before my paper...
my pick .. hopefully the DUTCHIES!!! HOLLAND.. with the van kuku roy.. can win it..
of brazil is the top favourite cos they play fantastically fantastic football..

okie.. enuff of these nonsense.. back to the study desk!! bYE!

*everything happens for a reason, we made it happened*!!!