Monday, November 28, 2005


is been raining for the past few days....
no laundry... arghz....
jus when i tot todae was a bright and sunny day... i went ahead with my laundry..
what the.. it started to drizzle.. and i gotta bring everything in... what happen next... damn.. little sunshine is out again... forget it....
jus hang it at home... +)

im going home.. soOn... hehe.. duNno whats the feeling like.. everything has its 1st time...
that scene where everyone is sending me off.. shaking every hand and thanking them is still fresh in my mind.. how fast time has year has pass.. jus like tat...
assignments..tests.. exams... zoOooOOooom.....
jus really hope i do well this time round.. and do my parents proud... winkz***
what should i do for the next 20 dayS??
keep fit manz.. been eating non regularly during exam period.. and or cos.. gainin weight..

until the next blog.. which i don think will be long.....


Friday, November 25, 2005

Battle 6 Transportation Engineering

is all done.. a sign of relief....
1st of all.. thanks to all up there.. for giving me inner peace and calmness to get thru these terrible 6 battles...
seriously.. im still in a state of shocK.. kinda finish the paper earlier than expected.. wanted to go thru the whole process..thats y din leave the hall early.. hehee...
thanks to everyone who was there for me... denise especially for helping me thru all the subjects.. and encouraging to move on whenever im distracted or when i have low morale..
thanks to my family also... and my sis.. hehe.. for all the good lucks and prayers for me... im doing fine.. thank you!!....

next.. thanks to all the pills, energy drinks, coffee and baths that kept me up most of the time.. thank you....
is over.... PHEW!!!!!!
finally.. one year has pass so quickly.. 9 months since i last saw my dad, brother and grandma...half a year since i last saw my mum and sis... finally.. the time has come back for me to go back to say thank you to them personally....time to eat prata!! hehe...

aniwae thanks again...
time to enjoy~~~

***Everything HaPpens For A ReaSOn..We MadE it HapPEn***

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Battle 5 Structural Engineering

blink of an eye...
when was the last time i said 1 down 5 to go..
now.. 5 down 1 to go...

is really amazing... and i feel that i had some energy loss....... hope i have some more energy to push me thru my last paper... yeahz...

todaes paper was okie.. veri tedious..veri untidy.. hehe..
aniwae.. overall it was okie... yUpz... no regrets .. and thats goOd....

until tomorrow!!!! is time for transportation engineering.... the only thing on my mind now!....

"""Everything hAppEns For A ReAson!! We Made it HAppened!"""

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Battle 4 Geotechnical Engineering

battle 4 done..
all right paper... guess the lecturer will mark strictly because the paper was simple... yeahz.. jus like what he did to the mid sem test..

aniwae.. 4 down 2 to go.. im reaching the final level soon..hehe.......
and everything gonna jus be over... thursday. friday...
but i have do my best for the last 2 papers.. so that i got no regrets... yeahz....

hope everything goes well...
thanks for everyone up above......

***Everything HapPens foR a ReaSon, WE made It HapPEn***

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

2nd Half

2nd half of the exam kicks off tomorrow..
geotechnical engineering.. a bit scared... even though is open bOok....

i noe i din put enuff effort into it...but i really hope i don get punished by it...

everyone up there.. pls..?? blessed me tomorrow for my 4th paper tomorrow...
thank you so much.......

(*Everything HapPens For a ReasON, WE made it happened*)

Saturday, November 19, 2005


All Right...

it has been blocked!!!

thanks............................. DENISE...

Friday, November 18, 2005

pls.. friends of mine...
if u guys know how to crash a website down.. pls do it for me...
i treat u.. pay u.. whatever... latest craze.. cricket game...

been playing when im taking a break from studies.. and hook on it....

progressing quite slow....... as the chinese saying goes ( bu jian guan cai bu diao lei)

as usual.. turtle...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Battle 3 Construction

half time...
3 papers gone jus like that..
monday tuesday wednesday..
3 more to go...

lucky this is was 30% paper and the lecturer is leaving next sem... so he gave us past yr papers.. last yr papers.. guess what... every year.. he sets the same question.. so we practically have to memorise and throw everything out on that very table... yeahz.. the same...

lazy me.. don wanna learn one question.. off i go.. .. but i think i should able to do well.. cos he will mark leniently... thats what he told us... " jus write sth.. so that i can score u" yeahz...
aniwae relaxin this afternoon.. soccer!! and then back to study at night....

thanks everyone up there for blessing me... for this paper.. hope it can pull up my average.. yupz.. thanks to the support from my family....thank you denise once againfor supporting me... time and time again.. making breakfast and dinner.. hehe

aniwae... 6 days break before next paper..

((Everything happens for a reason** WE Made IT Happened))

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Battle 2 Water

had my continuous second paper today...
din really have a good one.. got a stunner from the lecturer...
he email us telling us.. there will be only quatitative questions... but he came out with theoritical questions.. 11 marks.. hmmmmm.....

aniwae.. one paper i worry abt.. don really like the feeling of going race course to take my exams.. but i having one more there.. gonna break the jinx!!...

jus hope that the lecturer is as nice as he can be... yahz... and mark leniently...

another paper tomorrow... goOD luck to me manz.....

***Everything happens for a reason, WE made it happen***

Monday, November 14, 2005

Battle 1 Management

Good news.. one paper gone...
bad one.. 5 more to go...

how did i do for todaes paper?
is not good... but at least i got no regrets.. i did everything according to plan... thanks denise ONCE again. for the preparation ....
write point form if theres no time.. and yeahz.. got no time... half and hr to do 2 questions.. i hope i do well.. cos i realli did vomit out whatever i can...

and to our surprise.. no calculator and RULER allowed in the hall.. and we were suppose to calculate project duration and draw graph!..

putting this behind and may i do well

thanks again.. everything for blessing me on this killer paper...
thank you.. and those that pray for me... muackz****

on for the next paper...

&* everything happens for reason. WE made it HappEn*&


tomorrow.. D - daY..
exams starting ... 1st paper.. management..
really hope i can get thru it.... quality management, performance measurement, organisational culture, ISO9000, EQF, HR management, total quality management, DEMING!!! quality circle. project management,,, arghz... thanks denise for being with me and going thru all the management stuff with me.. she's really gooD.... winkz****

free float.. total float... everything...
jus gonna .. as they say.. vomit whatever i learn tomorrow.. 3 hrs for me to vomit...
write write and write...

somehow, feels different this time round taking exams.. mayb im going home sooN..

tuesday water, wednesday construction..
survive survive!!

pls .. everyone up there.. blessed me from these exams... thanks!! *pray for me*

*"everything happens for a reason, WE made it happen"*

Saturday, November 12, 2005


yo yO yO..
finally is here.. 2 days more...
as usual 6 papers...
management, water, construction, geotechnical, structural and transport...

arghz... have to switch from one subject to another just like that... imagine one moment Im learning about hydraulics head.. the next.. im learning about wheel axles.. and then im learning about bending moment capacities of a steel beam.. not forgetting management.. ISO9000.. DEMING.. EQF (thanks denise for using all her knowledge and have the patience to revise with me!!).. and construction... blah blah blahz...

hope i can get thru it once again.. bless bless blesss me.....

monday tuesday wednesday... a paper a day....

"Everything happens for a reason, WE made it happen"

Thursday, November 03, 2005

It's Coming

10 days from now...
World War II is starting.....

preparing my ammunition now...

wish me luck....